Monday, August 30, 2010

Ascending to Heaven on an Eagle

Ascending to Heaven on an Eagle

I shall not be too forward
Advancing tales spun in moonlight
Fabulous secrets of nature
Avoiding all absurdities
Like Jack avoids the doctor

We consider the quality
Wares that the salesman brings
Fanfares and banners held on poles
While the children dance
Soldiers for the war

Breathe new life into your madness
Wave to the dregs as they pass
Spare not their rank or abilities
Heathens and idolaters have spoken
Experience teaching us new lessons

Who trouble not themselves
Occasion to observe
Ignorance by the cruelty
Most vile and atonable creature
Exceeds our efforts and wholly depends

With thunder and lightning
Where comes the power
Done by wicked and diabolical
Souls desirous of communion
Dispose their good Angels

Aim only for the practice
To pretend and to honor
By heaps of stones and statues
Assemblies of the people
Instruction of the truth

A Loan of Terror

A Loan of Terror

Lend me your terror,
a refuge you could not share.
You are strangled by
the feeling. A new
form of ugliness, paired with
monster. Your master
illusion calling
your name. With a mask, I speak
the truth for those who
do not listen. To
care so much is a weakness.
Happy ending come.

A Renaissance Angel

A Renaissance Angel

Your serene ignorance
Of a certain beauty
Is like the hate of a dog
A barking dog who recruits
Followers to a crusty band
Hearts beating wildly
They write your boneheaded wisdom in books
They move their lips a s they read
Ignorant to your perpetrations
Blue lips
Words after words
A drug infused rant
Of idiocy
Never finding the meaning
It escapes you
Dogged persistence of meaningless
Golden curls of tobacco
As you stand against the wall
Your back to the crowd
You can’t face your accusers
A gracias move toward the door
The filtering of light
To the point of madness
It is your madness
And you want to share it
She was mute
With the fierce look of the devil
Melting down to the core
Two dimensional questions
A careful distortion

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Yield of darkness

The Yield of darkness

In the tomb
I see her
Better than the world
Better than god
The bone of my flesh
The terrible look
A trapped animal
Trapped in the walls of anguish
Deeper into the night
The carnal hose of the soul
Shaking itself free
Of the bonds of dharma
We lived in black dreams
Made of stitches we could not find
Sucking us in
Making everything an underworld
With fists of laughter
Revolving around phantom satellites
As the beast looks into us
Doubled barreled
In barbed plumes
An insatiable itch
Cool as chaos

It changed the whole

It changed the whole

I looked up
The first gulp
Stopped by the moment
Walking into the glimpse
Page after page of realization
You have been living with a lie
A stone around your neck
Dragging you down
Your legs are the roots of trees
Planted in the soil of terror
A soul that you never had the taste for
Words are meaningless to the axe
Let us talk about your crazy eyes
Too long in the branches
Close to the boundary
The most enchanting

The human spore
Of value
Of dignity
Of light
The cold fabric of life
A dirty mouth
Choking and hissing tongue
Marked by the loss
A forlorn island
Accepting the eviction
The odious sense of sacrifice
Screwed in another direction
Trampled upon
A great big hole
We fall into
And are reduced to ashes
The soil of complete
Layer upon layer
Saluted relics
To have being
Standing in a trance
A strange moving substance
The old dream

Vague at the edges
A peculiar metamorphosis
Crumbling on my hands
Dying comfortably
Deserted them
Through the rites
An absolute stranger
Moving on to new battles
As the world moves
Slightly bent at an angle
That lets only a fraction in
Chewed alive and digested
As flesh and blood
Reshaped by the spirit
Penetrated through, endowed
Everything out of place
The deeper I burrow into the evolution
Like a pushed worm
A warm human pressure
Like a tornado
With big blue eyes

I am desolate
Most horrible anguish
Like a maniac
Through a hole
Incredible and monstrous
It seems so natural
To be howling inside
The wolf within
Chewing on the carcass
It totters and careens
I am in the dream once again
Pleasurable and maddening
Muttering to myself
Now till doomsday
Mangled and torn apart
Kill them all
The stars shine
And everybody suffers
Twisted and formed by human hands
We wander forlorn and desperate
Seeking the body
Drifting with the current
Born out of a wound
A ghost in their midst
In the void

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dropping Shooting Stars

Dropping Shooting Stars

They leave you seared
A smolder of pure joy
The best of all
Gored and dethroned
We shall shed jubilant
Dragging us down again
Dead to the world
Love is no more
You have forgotten how
Waiting for the light to go out
Adrift somewhere in the night sky
We call this death
A bitter taste
Immortalized and burning
The dead planet still spins
It’s heart still set on pretending
A revolving wasteland
We call this home
It’s all we know
All we cherish
The little god on our altars
She speaks of another life
A museum of what has been
Dancing with the skeleton
He speaks the words
You want to hear
Utter and immediate
The terrain of meaning
A crowded ghostly recollection
Naked and standing
On the precipice of history
They steal the body
And prostitute the mind

Unroll the world

Unroll the world

It goes on forever
Like a hallway to heaven
Lying in the cabbage patch
Legs spread wide open
As the sea is deep
Trapped in a shallow line
Flay the living hide
Down on the alter
Taking on the holy ghost
And all comers
Both holy and profane
Digging for the other side
Praying for the spark
That ignites the groove
Cal you feel me?
I am alive
I am brave enough
To be me
To be free
Sitting on my lap
With the consciousness of Buddha
Not disturbed by the twilight
The growing darkness
A emptiness that swallows it all
The honeymoon of flesh
Her feet no touching the ground
Sometimes in the twinkling
A corpse piled up
One after another
Over and over again
Choose not to look away
Embrace the circle
The hole and the dirt
Both are love and peace
Pry it open
Make a path
Build your fire on the hilltop
Cry for the birth
Rage for the dying stars
The light that was never born
Nothing left but stench
The world falling apart
On the shadow of memory
We all hang from the wire
Demanding resolution
But, the hangman never comes
Never brings the hope
A reaper and binder
The flush of dawn
And the zeal of industry
There is no more
Nothing left to burn
Where are my matches?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Buried in my grave

Buried in my grave

Wondering how to behave
Sit in the flickering light
Knocking me down
Burning ledge of crazy
Long grave faces
Some outside force
Peering into my heart
Dashing out intense
Turn me around
Blood running down
Fell on the moan
Sneaked out lifting
There in the front door
Like a pack of wolves
The same thing against
Ugly looking brandished
Fell all over
Getting out of the place
Standing in the iron trenches
Beaten gobbling goat
Taking the steam out
An exchange of how
Tough and invincible
Run away and picked

Chasing down your demons

Chasing down your demons

Excellent rumors
I have never seen
That color
A blue from a dream
It was gray and mystical
I stared at her lips
For an eternity
Oh shit!
She’s not breathing!
That’s the color of death
On her perfect lips
What have we done?
It was too perfect
To be like this
To be in hell
As I attempt cpr
Pushing on your chest
A lifeless doll
No resistance
To my touch
Deleted from the list
Of life

Molly’s favorite piece of shit

Molly’s favorite piece of shit

Succeed by face and tongue
In these hostile times
A lifting wind
Sexual as a corkscrew
All human events
Not the first time
Sardines for the poor
In a different light
Climb up your tree
And grow
Walk into footprints
On the somber path
Choose your moment well
Be sure to take pictures
Being ripped apart
By savage words
Of struggling poets
Mine is bigger than yours
See how many comments
There is not enough room
To hold the kudos
All the memory is used up
Someday, they will erect monuments
Of tinfoil
And bubblegum
To mark the grave
Where the great poet lays
He was molly’s favorite

the teeth marks of absurd reality

The teeth marks of absurd reality

Bend them up
And wonder
About the trim of things
My good friend
Soar into wonder
Immortal as the land
Among the fissures
Roll on
Too soon
And wonder some more

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Automatic personification in this age of despair

Automatic personification in this age of despair

The way you said futility
Taking the edge off appetite
Sitting in the gloom
In space like the stars
To fall through
Warm human delirium
With no roof above
The writing on the wall
Thoughts enter from unknown places
Strange places that birth evil
Rendering the soul
With a shattered calm
Before the flood of travail
The dream of cavemen
The illusion of force
Both perfect and repulsive
Intended to dazzle
A splendiferous impersonation
The chink of percolating dome
Its all vagrant hemispheres
Motionless and unmotivated
Eaten away by jackknife show
Life is merchandise

Alone Pulled Upwards and tied with a rope

Alone Pulled Upwards and tied with a rope

Heaven is a disease of circles
A force of pocket charms
Plywood palms push on
Your steps fall asleep
Frozen close behind
Fixed before the cold
Dazed with smiles
A haunting smile
Hanging, pinned and twisted
Power is ticking in slow motion
Counting the tocks
Putting them in order
The coffin is chirping and sullen
Burn the shit down
Safe within your failure
You keep all of the clippings
Fiddling with muddied say
These bones interpret
What you cannot say
You have to rub them the right way
She holds up the camera
And snaps a picture
As she sits atop the rocking horse
Eating pop rocks
Under the space needle
Yesterday was bag simple
Flushing a pound of Mary
No one expects you to survive
Especially me

crushes between two rocks

crushes between two rocks

each kiss
is another goodbye
as you walk through green cracks
magnified underneath tomorrow
a soul breaks folded
you triggered and rage
as unique as dumped beat
feeling the sway
of drug addicts and dreamers
pretending to be Papillond
and found dignity waned
they have their reason
for their sense of peace
the point of one
is always on favored lips
torn from dignity’s large
you search within your own hemisphere
as strong as unleash
you exhale the terms of unlearning
sucking on this secret pain
trapped under raspy reason
a super hero of grace
mattered with love
buried in the bullet shed
the sly movement of whiskey
is your only friend

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



The hungry hate
Never ever sleeps
Around the gates of nevermore
As the past comes around
And grabs you
Throws you down
Onto the floor
With the morning’s trash
Staring through alien eyes
That you bought on the corner market
From the guy with the little twitch
He’s working on a stitch in time
The race between the angel and devil
A sack of virtue in your hand
It spills out and leaves you
Try to close the door
And keep it all in
Safe and sound
My very special one
Loves to sleep the day away
Just like in the movies
Cocktails and cigarettes
I wish you would stay
If you want
I know I never said it before
But, I’m saying it now
Spend the night, once more
Before they close the door
And chase all the cockroaches away
To their homes and children
Bragging about their day
Braving the cold winter
Pushing and shoving
Breaking the seal
Letting all the demons out
Upstairs in a lonely room
With only a space heater
Keeping the blues away
With a bottle of Kessler’s
Listening to infinity’s call

tangled web

Tangled Web

tasting the feedback
from the back row
random messages
from outer space
a picture of repetition
the wires need reconnection
as the electricity scans the horizon
there is more to your theory
than is contained in capacitors and transistors
for some, we pull the plastic away
others, we burn with fire
their eyes are inductive
gathering data
analyzing and making inferences
all essences dissolve
into a jumble of categories
what to leave in and what to leave out
they are cross all borders
removing barriers
their curiosities flow
out in digital transmits
flattened by throttled leviathans
the bleak gather at the diode
stroking their hard nipples
removing the cultish hysteria

finite and moving

finite and moving

thick bargain
out of mind, with no purpose
straighten her good deeds
hard behind

misfortunate skin welding
in golden burned
to death, to sunshine, to paper
smart to heart
and loud chest

with removed evenings
a song and no home
nervously strikes the match
splattered darkly crawl
we cannot count the steps
as you run from the brutish

the words of many
enliven the mighty
only a touch of false
the ground, her anger, her country
how noisy is the crowd

held fast to one place
the doctor dreams
a story on a piece of scrap
light and bitter pay
a mortal fool
a son’s birth