Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bleaker’s Repository

Bleaker’s Repository

Infected with purpose
Out of the flesh world
Into the womb of beginning
Taking away your crutch
Forcing your mind
Upon you like a tiger
Vengeful with claws
Knowing both darkness and truth
Under the impetus of love
Beyond your pile of sticks
They do not add up
To this final purpose
This calling of all wills
Aligned with the universe
Perched at the tip
Waiting for the falling over
The flood of unreason
Bored through with the wind
Three generations of them
Still the light pours through
Upon Bleaker’s lowly place

Wanted Death

Wanted Death

Maybe he wanted death
Tried so hard to find it
Looked in a pill bottle

Slit wrists spilling so red
With practice and over
Molded details in mind



We are in the same boat.
Little comfort, while sinking.
Still, the captain repeats the refrain.
His words fall, on silent ears.
No one wants to consider.
Consequences, sinking deeper.
Guardians of the darkness.
Malicious unclear future.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Los Muertos

Los Muertos

The corruption of the weak
Food for the idols
Death of the voiceless
Children of the broken man
Raised up from the ashes
Tears no longer shed
Clenched fists rising higher
Angry cries of the masses
Defined by complications
Distorted faces in the windows
Watching the death parade
Those who catch the babbles
Sweet release and escape

Jealous Punk

Jealous Punk

Empty your heart of its mortal dream
To be like the gods in all glory
Infinite power and blessed grace
Rise above the mundane
Embrace the sacred and holy
Your image illuminating my mind

The slumber of darkness waits
Standing alone as in the beginning
Bringing the flame of divinity
Becoming like God, closing the gap
Removing all weakness from the flock

Darkly placed upon my eyelids
Poor, tired, wandering fool
Sold for a fleeting chance
My words sent forth
To reap what they have sown
Gather up the fruits of time

Mighty walls stand before me
Raised up by my free will
Testaments to my stubbornness
Victims to my crimes
Like fallen tombstone left to decay
Forgotten souls of the living

Recognize the devils that surround you
Remember how they tormented
Betrayed by your recollection
Justified by self-righteous fever
Your mind a lethal weapon

Its all about survival and space
Sending it all back around
A soulless, jealous punk
Rules made to be broken
An all together different game

Me up on the highway
Sure I’m out there
Standing there like Satan
The biggest dog on the street
Hiding in the bottomless pit